I have listed some of the best yet free 11 speech recognition software that works with Windows 10, Mac, iPhone, Android, and other operating systems. Mac2Speech - a Speech Synthesis Server for OS X, on the other hand allows you to use your Mac as a Text-To-Speech server, converting text strings into MP3 voice sound files on the fly. Configure the settings in the Text to Speech tab to your liking, and your Mac will happily converse with you. The voices that are built in are okay, but if you click the. Found inside – Choose a voice for your Mac from the System Voice pop-up menu. One of the features of OS X Lion that was discussed early on in its development was the updated text-to-speech technology that not only brings much more natural-sounding voices, but also has options for dialect and accent support for various regions of the world. Save articles opened in to files for later listening. If your OS of choice is Mac OS X, and all you need is basic but extremely solid text to speech (TTS) functionality, you don't even have to bother with a third party software application, as the OS' native Text to Speech feature has you covered. Click Next twice, and then click Install. Use the arrow keys and Ctrl to select text. The tool uses the libraries available in your Operating System.